
Welcome to Beta Glass's Compliance hub, where we uphold the highest standards of corporate governance and regulatory adherence. At Beta Glass Plc, we take pride in our unwavering commitment to transparency, ethics, and responsible business practices.

Beta Glass's Commitment to Compliance


This page serves as a testament to our dedication to compliance with legal requirements, cultural sensitivities, and industry best practices.

Explore the intricate web of policies, charters, and committees that underscore our governance framework, ensuring that our operations align seamlessly with the Nigerian Code of Corporate Governance. Join us on a journey of accountability, integrity, and excellence as we navigate the dynamic landscape of corporate compliance.


Corporate Governance Commitment: Upholding Standards at Beta Glass Plc

Beta Glass Plc (Beta Glass) is deeply committed to Corporate Governance and Compliance, with a robust management process that places compliance with legal requirements and cultural sensitivities at the core of its operations and sustainability.

We pledge to conduct business in accordance with best practices, aligning with applicable laws and regulations in Nigeria, meeting the requirements of the Nigerian Exchange (NGX), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and complying with the Code of Corporate Governance in Nigeria (NCCG). Compliance is an integral aspect of Beta Glass's business processes.

Our actions and interactions with customers, employees, government officials, suppliers, shareholders, and other stakeholders mirror our values, beliefs, and principles.

Beta Glass adheres to various corporate policies aligned with the Nigerian Code of Corporate Governance, ensuring diversity, equity, ethics, and inclusion, fostering informed decision-making and actionable insights.


The Committees

Strategic Oversight: Board and Regulatory Management at Beta Glass Plc

The Board has established standing Committees, including the Statutory Audit Committee, whose terms of reference clearly define roles, responsibilities, and the scope of authorities. Committees, namely the Governance and Remuneration Committee (GaRC) and Board Risk and Audit Committee (BRAC), assist in efficient decision-making, compliance, and risk management.

Governance and Remuneration Committee (GaRC)

The Governance and Remuneration Committee, comprising three Non-Executive Directors and two Independent Non-Executive Directors, reviews Human Resources policies, Compensation, and Benefit Policies, ensuring a transparent process for Board appointments. The Committee meets quarterly.

Board Risk and Audit Committee (BRAC)

The BRAC aids the Board in overseeing the Company's risk profile, risk management framework, and risk strategy. Comprising three Non-Executive Directors, it meets quarterly.

Statutory Audit Committee

The Statutory Audit Committee, composed of two Non-Executive Directors and three Shareholder representatives, oversees accounting and financial reporting policies, internal controls, and general compliance. The committee meets at least four times a year.


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